Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Why does girls clothing have to look so....?

I was shopping over the weekend at one of my favorite big box stores. My husband and I split up to find what we needed and as he strolled through the girls department he heard two women comment to each other, "Why does girls clothing have to look so trashy?"

Yes, why does it? I have two daughters, ages 6 and 3 1/2 and when my first daughter was only an infant I asked the same question. The answer to my question was the birth of Annie's Clothesline. At the time I didn't think about it getting worse with the age of the girl, but of course it does. Now that my oldest daughter is wearing clothing from  the girls department and not the baby/toddler section I find that shopping for her is much harder. I don't want my daughters wearing short-shorts, cropped shirts, tight fitting pants, and clothing with inappropriate sayings or images of commercial characters on them. Alas, that's what we find available at those big box stores.

I'm thankful that I can sew and that I love to create and my business partner feels strongly about the same issues. Again, we'll resort to what we know best, our own skills of creating quality clothing that is age appropriate, does not overwhelm with gender specific colors, and is reminiscent of children's clothing styles from eras of the past. I think we may see a bigger push than I anticipated to expand Annie's Clothesline to sizes larger than 5. There is a need for clothing for girls that keeps them looking like a girl and not so....well you know...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Layette a New Annie's Clothesline Product

Expectant mothers of baby girls beware! You may love this!

I'm too excited about our new product idea to wait any longer to talk about it! A friend from college contacted me to make a dress for his soon-to-be-born daughter. He wanted her first outfit, the one she'll be leaving from the hospital in, to be made by someone he and his wife knew. What a nice sentiment! In response to his request my partner (my wonderful mother-Happy Mother's Day, mom!) and I created 2 hats and 2 dresses. One hat and dress in size 0-3 months and the other dress and hat matching in size 12 months. The idea is that her first outfit will coordinate with a dress for her to wear on her first birthday. As a result of this opportunity we were able to pilot a new hat design (it has a chin strap, is reversible, and a double ruffle) and create 0-3 month clothing. It was a success! I hope his wife agrees. If we make this again it will only be by request/special order. I love the idea, maybe someone else will want to purchase it too...
0-3 Month Hat and Dress

0-3 Month Hat and Dress with Hat Reversed
12 Month Hat and Dress

12 Month Hat and Dress with Hat Reversed

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Custom Orders for New Customer

I have been pleased to make the acquittance of a lovely woman from Solsberry, Indiana. She has seven children, four boys and three girls and she loves Annie's Clothesline. As a result I have made 2 custom Washboard Girls Easter dresses for her twin daughters and plan to make 2 more within the next month. Her daughters are 7 so it was an opportunity to expand our Washboard Girls collection into size 7. The dresses turned out great and she and her daughters loved them! We don't plan to add size 7 to the Washboard Girls collection but I will continue to make them for her as long as she orders them from Annie's Clothesline. The moral of the story is, if you like it ask, maybe we can do it for you too! I love making things for people I know. It's much more fun than pushing out dresses for a rack in a store.
Size 7 Washboard Girls Custom Easter Dress

Size 7 Washboard Girls Custom Easter Dress