Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Custom Orders for New Customer

I have been pleased to make the acquittance of a lovely woman from Solsberry, Indiana. She has seven children, four boys and three girls and she loves Annie's Clothesline. As a result I have made 2 custom Washboard Girls Easter dresses for her twin daughters and plan to make 2 more within the next month. Her daughters are 7 so it was an opportunity to expand our Washboard Girls collection into size 7. The dresses turned out great and she and her daughters loved them! We don't plan to add size 7 to the Washboard Girls collection but I will continue to make them for her as long as she orders them from Annie's Clothesline. The moral of the story is, if you like it ask, maybe we can do it for you too! I love making things for people I know. It's much more fun than pushing out dresses for a rack in a store.
Size 7 Washboard Girls Custom Easter Dress

Size 7 Washboard Girls Custom Easter Dress


  1. Annie,
    I love your dresses! You do an incredible job and my daughters feel truly special wearing their custom made dresses!
    Michelle (a very happy customer)

  2. Thank you Michelle! I enjoy making them for your girls!
